Monday, 25 February 2008

How many days are you truly happy in a year ?

If you are truthful to yourself your answer should be under 45, rest of the days one is pursuing it or cursing one's luck for not having it.

Ketki adds: we are responsible for our own happiness despite of challenges and loss. Therefore, take charge and be happy!!

Ivan adds: Stop counting. Be happy.

Rekha adds: Man is fond of counting his troubles, but he does not count his joys. If he counted them up as he ought to, he would see that every lot has enough happiness provided for it. Happiness is all in the mind and see what treasures we can pluck from our own brand of unhappiness.

Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. Mohandas Gandhi


Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

if you spend your time tbinking about how happy you are, obviously you have no time to really be happy

Anonymous said...

Rambha at least its got u thinking.

Anonymous said...

Thats bullshit,nobody really has the time to check whether one's happy or not if you are you feel it or you brood and there are many days which are I would say nuetral.I would not make a big thing of it, its part of ones life

gvk86 said...

when one is a student in today's era, that too a medical student, then counting a day as "truly happy" takes a lot of courage... hehe .. even 45 seems to be pushing it a bit far ... - gaurav

whisper2 said...

Whether one has time to think about ones happiness or not, it does make a difference to ones quality of life otherwise one ends up riding a sinusidal wave of emotions.

KM said...

If you consider yourself happy, you give out those vibes to your surroundings. Personal happiness is very subjective. In the sense,I am sure I am happy atleast 355 days in a year, knowing that I live a good and secure life with the hope and scope to expect a lot more.

whisper2 said...

Gaurav, I am sure the day you got into medicine you must have been not just happy but ecstatic and I am surprised that your course is making you so unhappy, is it just you or all your colleagues feel the same way? when I put up this blog I thought I was being cynical now when I read that a doctor to be is in such a predicament what hope will guys like us have when we approach you with our problems.

two hoots said...

i think happiness just depends on your outlook in life... if u r thr type of personality who keeps cribbing n bickering then no matter what u achieve or do... u will never be satisfied.. thus happy. if in life u have minimum expectations but hope for the best then u will always be happy

whisper2 said...

Ketki, I am impressed by your approach to life, I also believe in vibrations and the effect it has on ones environment but I am a wee bit worried about the 355 days of happiness. I am glad that you have a good and a secure life now, are you sure it will remain permanent without a change (not that I want it to change for you), my experience tells me that life is a gamble and definitely unpredictable and even though I am positive about all aspects I tend to be cautious at most times. I must say that I am happy for you for your 355 days.

whisper2 said...

Two hoots, one needs to be a saint to go about in life without cribbing n bickering, it�s only human to do that and there is a certain amount of joy in that too. I don�t buy that one can have minimum expectations & hope for the best, the very fact that you want the best indicates the level of desire one has set oneself at and if that does not happen then do your minimum expectations become bare minimum? I can only say that if you do practice what you say then boy! You are on the way to sainthood.

Anonymous said...

Well I understand life is always changing and very predictable. But admist all the unpredictability, one thing remains constant is your choice of how you are going to approach those situations.
Surely, its not possible to be positive and calm in all the situations, but in general looking at the bigger picture always helps.

whisper2 said...

Ketki, exactly as you say its not possible to be positive and calm in all the situations, so in the overall picture how many such days are there where one cannot be calm and do these outweigh the calmer days?

Anonymous said...

Ideally the calmer days should outweigh the days when one cannot be calm.

However the question over here is about being happy.

You may be calm but still have a bad day. But just becos you were calm, it wasnt that bad after all. And that attitude in itself should bring about a change in our moods and our outlook towards that situation.

In short, we are responsible for our own happiness despite of challenges and loss. Therefore, take charge and be happy!!

whisper2 said...

Ketki,Well said, the key to ones life is accountabilty, if one accepts that one is responsible towards one's self then iam sure you will have 355 days of happiness.

Anonymous said...

It depends what you mean by happiness. Happiness means different things to different people. For me it's a sense of peace and I certainly have got it for longer than 45 days in a year! I may not get it the whole day if you know what I mean. But on working days, the time I stepped back into my home and just took in my home and hearth, I was happy, almost every day of the year! I am happy when I eat something delicious too. When my kids were small, I could stare at them forever and the happiness I felt was something I cannot describe. It can be fleeting feeling, it can last for several minutes, for several hours but rarely for the whole day. But yes at times it lasts for the whole times several days....
Well, and so on.

whisper2 said...

Nita, By happiness I mean the inner feeling where you are content, something which does not come by material things more like the feeling which you had when your children were small. It is very difficult to describe or quantify happiness.

Ivan Arthur said...

Stop counting. Be happy.


Man is fond of counting his troubles, but he does not count his joys. If he counted them up as he ought to, he would see that every lot has enough happiness provided for it.
Happiness is all in the mind and see what treasures we can pluck from our own brand of unhappiness.

whisper2 said...

Ivan, I am counting on that.

whisper2 said...

Rekha,What you mention has an element of compromise, I am talking of days which are just plain happy without one having to do any thinking. said...

The less you know, the more you learn. . . . . Osho